
World's best chess champions-Part 1

World's best chess champions

Word's best chess champions list like this.
Note:This blog is a information blog.
OK. We are starting:
1- imageimageWilhelm Steinitz(1886-1894)
He was first chess champion in the World. He was World champion of chess, 8 year. Joseph Henry Blackburne and Adolf Anderssen were the most difficult rivals of the Wilhelm Steinitz.

Emanuel Lasker(1894-1921)
He had the longest-running championship on the chess. He was first to a lot of tournaments in the World. The most famous tournaments names Londra Championship(1899), Sankt Peterburg Tournament(1896 and 1914) and New York Championship(1924). He was Albert Einstein's friend and he was very good Mathematician. He was found Lasker-Noether theorem.
He play chess because he didn't have any money.
3-imageimage Rose Paul Capablanca
He was 12 years old, he was Cuba champion and he was started chess four years old. He was a writer and he had one book. He another name was ''Mozart of the chess''.
OK. This part finish. Good bye.