
Learn the Right Lessons From Your Mistakes

of course, this is probably impossible to answer but do you have any advice on how to identify the mistakes correctly in chess?

of course, stockfish can help with that sometimes but like in your example putting the king in danger in blitz was a mistake as you said yourself, even though stockfish most likely wouldn't have identified it as such...
or in other positions, the stockfish evaluation is different from human difficulty evolution (sharp lines are more difficult for humans but not as difficult for engines)
@eben02 said in #4:
> of course, this is probably impossible to answer but do you have any advice on how to identify the mistakes correctly in chess?

Discuss losses with a stronger player. Has helped me tremendously, without investing a cent in coaches or chess website. Usually it is more obvious than you would think, but you are tunnel visioning into something else.
unfortunately SF scoring mechanism that categorizes mistakes in terms of score amplitude not how deep the bad consequences are, is not going to help us figure out which mistake of our has been wasting earlier good decisions with long term consequences , that our late blunder may have derailed.... as the late decision might not be itself a shallow blunder...

and other confusions... early shallow mistakes get same score as deeper mistakes.. often the deeper consequence mistakes are of positional nature when decided, while the shallow ones are more of spatial board vision (and some shallow depth too combined) problems.. Hard to explain, as no one get to see where those engine score actually come from... When not asking how the engine really works.... and taking the root score as what make the engine reference move the best move and your move a blunder.

I am only responding to the beginning blog setup. Sorry did not read more yet. This popped up while reading. That autonomously a tool made for tournament winning, used as analytic "learn from your mistake" tool, is exactly not going to help in your issue. That is something to think about..... A long game, has lots of things happening....