
CPU donor

Could lichess set up a page /donate-cpu/ where we the users can donate our CPU cycles via websockets and js (by keeping that page open in the background when we choose to). Game analysis tasks could be sent, and the problem of trusting responses dealt with by duplicating tasks across 2 users and checking they match.

The page could carry some stats about time donated by the user, number of donors, top 10 donors etc to encourage people. Also a badge could be earned
There is progress towards the ability for CPU donors and it is planned. But the system needs to be fine tuned first. There is a number of issues to tackle, most important the trust issue you mentioned.
Great! will be particularly happy to donate while at work :)
Yes, I would also be willing to donate some CPU power. Let us know when all the issues are worked out!
Since Lichess' cheat detection works best if you feed it as many analyzed games of cheater suspects as possible, I believe donated CPU power could/should be used to auto-analyze games. Probably beginning at the top of the rating range, since that's where most of the cheaters are to be found.
It could also analyze on low system usage times. It probably does not need to analyze games over 40 cp ether. So that would cut out a lot of games.
Since lichess now has native SF clients are the plans for CPU donating on again? With learn from mistakes - it could be offered as live puzzle solving page.

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