
My first perfect game

With centipawn loss 8, and only 1 mistake (but well, I don't considere it mistake because I put my rocks in one great position)
and 8 innacuracies (but I don't count that becuase I didn't have enought time to think and I just lost 8 times the checkmate sequence, so this innacuraciones don't count :P )

Hope you enjoy and you can let me some commentaries.
@Thorini #1
Black got quite some center control in the opening, but I like it how you didn't want to win the queen with Rxe7 but played Nxe7.

The finish was pretty nice imho, with "practical chess". Excellent.

Perfect = Being without defect.

Your game = 8 average centipawns LOST, roughly 400 centipawns lost in total (8 acpl move^-1 * 50 moves), or four pawns.

That's not perfect.
@Achja #3

Probably I have played not really agressive in the opening with my pawns, but I liked anyway my position. When you think than black lost the center control? or you think he didn't? because he had almost full time 2 really good strong central pawns (that's why, and considering the a5 was played, I decided to play in the queen side)

After Nxe7 I thought black would change the queen anyway, if I would be in black position I would do it. Me, as white, I wanted to have more versatilty, maybe discover checks, maybe the full rock, maybe more attacks, and after Ke8 I was happy to have 1 full rock of advantatge.
If I play Rxe7, the end will result: (Black) 2xRocks + Knight vs (White) Rock, Queen, and Bishop. Of course its winning for white, but black can make more resistance. The result we had: (Black) Rock+Knight+Queen vs (White) 2xRocks, Bishop, Queen --> I think its easy to play for white. What do you think?

The end is kinda disappointing, I knew I had checkmate sequences, but I had no time to think about it (after Raa7, I had during 3-4 movements like 5-10 sec and I was scared to lose for time so I just played fast to can recupere my time :D)
Well, okey, #5 and #4, its not a perfect game... What makes me think its a perfect game its because I don't have Innacuraccies (just because the end I played fast) and I only have 1 mistake which actually I don't really considere mistake.

For me, that's a perfect game. I'm used to make some blunders, or to not see blunders of the contrary. Black played kinda weak, and I used really great his weaknesses, that's why I'm proud of the game.
#8 If you look closer, you'll see that you have 8 inaccuracies
I already told that this 8 inaccuracies are not real inaccuracies, they are all "Not the best CheckMate Sequence", I had time problems and I could not look for the best checkmate sequence (or even 1 checkmate sequence) so I just played simple and fast to win and don't lose on time.

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