
an engine for intermediate level


as a 1350 player, i need a chess engine in an intermediate level, something like stockfish 4 or 5, since in stockfish 8 i dont understand any of what he does. in order to progress the next one hundred points i need analysis which is a little better than me and not a world champion level.

does anyone know where i can get such a level of an engine for game analysis?

thank you very very much :)
I know how you feel, and I'm rated 2000. Stock 8 still almost always can brutally beat me. I have found that putting stock 8 into a "play from position" then granting myself some advantage makes things more interesting.

Stock 8 without a knight or rook is still interesting for me. Wins go back and forth for me with that handicap. For you I'd recommend taking away it's queen, or maybe 2 minors, or a rook and a minor. Take more if you need to take more. Once you can beat it with the extra forces... Give it a little more material a little bit at a time.

I have found that playing a harder computer that is missing material I can learn more from than a weaker computer evenly matched.
Also want to add, another handicap that you can do is give yourself some extra development moves in the play from position. So maybe start yourself off with 3 moves of your choice, and take away both of it's knights... A normally winning position... Can you hold the win?
An example of such a game for me. You probably need to take a bit more than a rook though, it's still pretty strong for your level.

Is he even talking about playing an engine weaker than stockfish 8 or is he asking for an analysis tool that recommends moves understandable for a 1350 rated player? Some positional moves might be the best moves for an engine, but humans, especially those relatively new to chess, are far away from playing that way.
Still, from my point of view I would analysing the games with stockfish and thinking about the moves it suggests is nice, it's most often not too complicated and when a move is way over my head I sometimes just "resign" on that particular move and, well, move on. Propably you will be able in the future to understand more and more of the moves suggested by stockfish.
I hope I got the intention of the OP right and I hope this was in some way at least psychologically helpful, because, yes, I don't know such a feature as you have been asking for, but I don't really think that you need it. In the end you can always ask in the forum if you don't understand a move. I did this once and some nice guy came up with a little study for me, that really helped me understand this hard-to-understand move.
what beautiful answers, i will defenitly try all the suggestions and see how it goes.

i will also make a sincere effort to come back and report how it worked

thank you very much!
Hi Guys,
im rated 1600-1700..
And Stock 4 ist 2 easy but i beat rarely the Sf it jsut me....or isnt there an dapted level for my llevek?

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