
Chess as official sport

Currently chess is not an official sport in Belgium. How is this in your country?
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I live in a area where ppl don't even know chess rules. Once i was teaching a guy how knight moves and he was yawning.ヘ( ̄ω ̄ヘ)
Here in Israel some people know how to play chess, but I'm not sure it's so popular.
Once I told someone that this, for example, is checkmate, and you don't want me doing it, but next second I checkmated him with exact same thing! (¬‿¬)
It is a sport in Portugal, just not a popular one.

I did not know it was not a sport in Belgium or Ireland.
I actually played in the Dublin tournament quite some time ago. Was living in Northern-Ireland at the time..they have clubs that play weekly there + weekend tournaments. But I am not familiar with the Republic.

Whilst I personally dont really care about the label. It can be important when there are benefits associated in being labelled a sport.

Is it known why Belgium and Ireland dont accept it as a sport?
Most European countries simply follow the 'Sports Governed by International Federations Recognised by the International Olympic Committee' And chess is actually recognised byt the International Olympic Committee

and not even provisional, as some other sports like, Cheerleading and Lacrosse.
IMO I don't think chess is a sport, but, of course, that depends on your definition of sport.
There is actually no sport in India other than cricket.
Chess is a sport. The only difference is that you train your brain rather than, say, muscles. But in essence, chess is a sport.

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