
My best game ever! 0 inaccuracies, 0 mistakes, 0 blunders!

@Sipo It was too easy. You played only 18 movies and checkmate. And i had that ruslts. Play 30-40 movies and do 0-0-0 it is will be awesome!
Thanks everybody for the responses. I was happy because the opponent was rated like me, and it is not easy for me to do NO mistakes of any kind against someone at my level. Thanks again!
@JohnnyBGoody there is nothing to brag about with a 2000 rating. 000 happens to a 1200 player too if his opponent falls for the schools mate. What I was trying to say was that the nr of mistakes aren't the indicator of the game quality and I will always have this opinion. He should be happy about his games of course, but when they show improvement.
typical albanien. Making others down. Be positive instead. Nobody cares for your negativity. Bye.
he have to..he must to..blabla..nobody must do anything here. Its a free webpage.
You are albanian too, why do you discriminate your own people???

We are all the same, but with different opinions, we aren't putting anybody down.
are u rly calling this a discrimination? Get off your save space.

You just took a virtual crap on a player. Yes pragmatically to a player at my level, or your level the game is not that impressive. You don't say that though. I'm sure if I posted a great game of mine or you posted a great game of yours a GM could stop in, and say "very suspicious", and then wander off. However keep in mind the rating of the player before making the negative post.

If you are at the gym, and a land whale jogs a mile, and says they are proud of this feat, do not discourage them. You may be able to jog further, and faster, but this was an accomplishment for them. They are trying to get in shape, so show some encouragement.

Then you curled up into a ball trying to play the victim card when you were called out on your negativity. Most uncouth. When you act rude, do not be surprised when others treat you the same way.

Lose the victim complex.
Lose the negative attitude.

or pay the societal repercussions for doing these things
It would be so nice to know which games we are the best, where we made only few mistakes. And the games we were really bad. @thibault ?
thx Tyriont, you just prove that GentjanLici is wrong. U and your opponent were 2k Elo and u still managed to make 000.

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