
How can I publish a blog post to the Community blogs?


I created a blog post some days ago and made it public, but it doesn't seem to appear on the "Community blogs". Is there an additional step that I need to perform? Or do the moderators decide which blogs get promoted?

If I click on my blog post it says "This post is published", but as long as it's not visible in the Community blogs it can only be found via my user profile.

Thanks in advance for any clarifications.
@Schlosstrunk said in #1:
> Hi,
> I created a blog post some days ago and made it public, but it doesn't seem to appear on the "Community blogs". Is there an additional step that I need to perform? Or do the moderators decide which blogs get promoted?
> If I click on my blog post it says "This post is published", but as long as it's not visible in the Community blogs it can only be found via my user profile.
> Thanks in advance for any clarifications.

you need to get a certain number of likes to get it on the community blogs
Well, actually the number of likes can't be the rule, or at least not the only one, @Ishaan4e.

There are posts published in the Community Blogs with less likes than mine. Would be great if the selection process was transparent.
Whatever you do - don't advertize :)

I thought, that a Blog Post would appear on the Community Blogs, if it was assigned a specific topic (like Analysis) and it would stay there depedning on views and likes.
This isn't the case, though. And it kind of makes sense, because probably there are hundreds of posts every day.

Just to be clear, I fully understand that my post might not be relevant for the public. I just think the selection process should be described in the FAQ or when submitting a post.

Sorry for advertising. I don't think I can remove the link anymore, unfortunately.
I thought I had seen the blog somewhere, but I quite don't remember. Maybe I had visited your profile sometime, which seems likely.

Anyways, you have a lot of resources to get more likes to your blog.

-> You have to get awfully(around 2200) good at chess, which you are too.
--People will be enchanted by your rating, and start liking the post (depends on the content too).

-> Your blog must be surrounded around a specific, and informative point.
--Yes Of Course! If you place spam blogs, like "Test", "Hi, This Is My First Blog Post", etc. etc. , then people will start hating more than liking you or your blog.

-> Your blog must not be copied, or already discussed.
--Find out an amazing topic on which you would like to discuss your blog! Re-discussing discussed blogs become a part of copyright act.

Happy Blog Making!!
I'm not sure how the algorithm works or whether there is an additional curation process, but try adding the simple "Chess" tag to see if that helps. It's by far the most popular topic, so I bet it features in the process somehow. Nice article! Thanks for sharing.
Thank you for your feedback and tips, especially @njswift.
After I set the "Chess" tag it finally appeared. Maybe that's the hidden trick.

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