
Piece material difference widget bug (wrong material difference)

Unless I'm on crack, the material difference shown in the following image is wrong. White is up 1 rook and 4 pawns (for black's knight), not 1 rook and 1 pawn:

Thanks for lichess!
@straggler No, you're not on crack. I see the same issue. Lichess registers the material difference but fails to display it, even when I tested it by making a game with the computer from the ending position of the game on the imgur image.

The game is:

You can go to: https: // UqKogCryZpey (deliberately separated so that you can go to the main game screen and see the material difference for yourself) to see the same thing happening to me.
That's pretty funny. A recent change to move the pawns closer together made them overlap perfectly on mobile ...

Thanks for the report! Will be fixed on the next update.

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