
Search "user:ReverseLogic"

27 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - Sicilian Najdorf, English Attack 8...h5 *Question*#4

#2. Thanks! The najdorf is always changing and h5 definitely isn't the mainline, but that's part of the reason I like it. I haven't found any written ideas on h5 and how to attack/defend (part of what…

General Chess Discussion - Sicilian Najdorf, English Attack 8...h5 *Question*#1

I'm playing black on April 15th. My opponent is roughly 1800 USCF and will play the English Attack vs my Najdorf. I want to prepare the h5 variation to prevent him from going into typical pawn pushing…

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General Chess Discussion - Openings Variations Learning#2

Use, the spaced repetition helps a ton.

General Chess Discussion - Best stream on lichess,what is Your opinion?#3

Chessbrah is the best streamer because he is half Chinese cat

General Chess Discussion - Around how many points on the lichess computer analysis means a win for white?#14

I'm fairly sure an engine evaluation of plus or minus 5 (equal to a full rook) gives either side about a 99% chance of winning.

General Chess Discussion - Q vs R+P Endgame#1

Is this a win for black or a draw? to move)
