
Search "user:HerkyHawkeye"

1537 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - Opinion: getting annoyed because your opponent refuses to resign is a sign of arrogance#2

I'll resign when i feel i've nothing more to learn from a losing position, if my opponent does not mind playing through. I've been on the winning side wondering why my opponent refuses to resign, but …

Off-Topic Discussion - why people still don't live on mars?#50

@Thalassokrator said in #49: > And the sire doth misquote Shakespeare too much, methinks. > > You seem to be unwilling to even entertain the idea that the landings might have been real, uninterested i…

Off-Topic Discussion - Instruments which amazes you#5

Fujara overtone flutes.

Off-Topic Discussion - why people still don't live on mars?#47

Well, we had a lot of luck on Venus We always had a ball on Mars We're meeting all the groovy people We've rocked the Milky Way so far We danced around with Borealis We're space truckin' round the the…

Off-Topic Discussion - why people still don't live on mars?#8

@Blueberrypoptizle said in #7: > @HerkyHawkeye I would love more context if its disclosed. Context or protext, it doesn't matter because cell phones just don't work on the red planet. Try it for yours…

Off-Topic Discussion - Spiritual enlightenment is possible#2

@LovePeaceHarmony said in #1: > If you have this calling, trust it. This is really deep my dude.

Off-Topic Discussion - why people still don't live on mars?#6

People don't live on Mars because the Martians aren't exactly hospitable. Even my favorite one of them is a little weird with those strange wires coming out of the back of his head!

Off-Topic Discussion - Where is metal music originated from?#35

No one has mentioned the Rickenbacker Frying Pan? Hmmmm......

Off-Topic Discussion - Magic on the mountain#6

Fire on the mountain, lightning in the air. Gold in them hills and it's waiting for me there. Marshall Tucker

Off-Topic Discussion - Who else is obsessed with Shakespeare?? Shakespeare fans challenge#3

I was forced to read Billy's works in high school. Hated it beyond hate. I've forgotten 99.9% of it by now, thank god. I only regretted it when i watched Jeopardy. You know, back when Alex was alive, …
