
Search "user:dipblu"

106 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - Exact, Exacting: Who is the Most Accurate World Champion?#47

Interesting read, Capablanca was well ahead of his time... Not really to find most accurate player but as yet another comparison between WCC matches and get some insight from it.

Lichess Feedback - Unfair threefold repetition draws#27

Actually all these "controversial" rules have a reason behind to make game more interesting and/or practical, for example: Stalemate and Threefold repetition give drawing chances to the weak side addi…

General Chess Discussion - Just a thought on cheaters / engine users#11

I think people cheat mainly to brag about his rating or because they are afraid to lose.

General Chess Discussion - Why am I 2200 on rapid but 1500 on blitz?#28

@Prince_of_6ixty4our I guess now we have the answer to his question

Game analysis - My weirdest game so far...#12

Actually you hung your queen 4 times...

General Chess Discussion - +2000 Convert A piece for 2 or 3 pawns in a endgame with other pieces on the board#7

Having a look at the game I see it's not only piece for 2-3 pawns, those are connected and passed pawns and also your king is exposed. In such situation exchanging queens looks right to protect your k…

General Chess Discussion - Noob questions: arenas and teams?#11

@Tomorrow_Never_Knows There are plenty of teams, under COMMUNITY -> TEAMS -> ALL TEAMS you will see them and on the top right there is a search box to help you find the ones you might be interested. S…

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