
UnVariants Theorists

Team leaders: Blue-ZLeafySnack

Welcome to the Desolation Pit of Chess – The Abyss Revisited! ️

Eternal Torment Chess Club Logo

Our team is so bad even the image doesn't work.

Eternal Torment Chess Club ️

Behold, feeble chess enthusiast, as you enter a realm where the essence of joy in chess has been banished, never to return. Abandon hope, for you have descended into the abyss where the pawns march to the rhythm of your inevitable demise.

Club Abyss (Doomed Souls Unite!)

Club Abyss Logo

  • Hourly Variant Rotations: Brace yourself for variant changes every hour, thrusting you into an eternal sea of confusion. Adapt or perish as you struggle to comprehend the ever-shifting rules.

  • Contribute to the Chaos: We not only tolerate your input but demand your participation in concocting even more diabolical tournament ideas. Make the nightmares of others your reality.

Connect with Leaders (Dreadful Overlords Await):

Chess Logo

Connect with our merciless leaders who revel in orchestrating the grand symphony of your chess demise:

  • @Rudra0310 (@Blue-Z) (pouring rain from the heavens, flooding the helpless mortals below)
  • @CheckmateKevin (now questioning if sanity was ever a real concept)
  • @Tired_Artist (suffering from chronic exhaustion and delighting in your misery)
  • @Midnightspooks (whispering eerie tales of variant nightmares into your subconscious)
  • @Yonushke (pronounced: Yo-noosh-why-am-I-here)
  • @KDMFan (collector of shattered dreams and purveyor of perpetual suffering)
  • @LeafySnack (that one guy who manages to ruin your dreams with nightmares of losing to him)
  • @VengeanceKitty (his cat will make you regret existing)
  • @SharkySnack001 (he doesn't snack on sharks, no no no. His sharks like to snack... on your horrible moves.)
    -@dstne (he will make your dreams explode and explode you into them... oh wait explode isn't a verb)

Also, what in the world does this 𒐫 mean?

Club "Rules" (Chaos Manifest):

  1. Absolute Disrespect: Treat every member as if the team is so bad even the image doesn't work.
  2. Oath of Obedience: Swear to never, ever, in your life join the Variants theorists. Remember, our goal is to end all joy.