
Vladimir Kramnik , realism or paranoia?

There's two sides to this world what Kramnik is trying to prove even though he might not know is that there are time travelling gods , who can freeze time while you're at the board go on holiday , have an orgy check with a chess engine , come back and make the best move while never having left the board themselves . He can't prove it cause he will be discredited as a mad man , it's catch 22 he'll never prove it and will go mad trying to prove it . Best just to be happy to be a human Kramnik and you've not been collected by 'them' yet ,much love SchizoSi xxx edit : I'm quite mad you know ha ha ha ha xxx
Have you been visiting Mr. Wilde, the Repairer of Reputations, who lives just upstairs above Hawberk the Armourer? Or perhaps visiting the ruins of fair Carcosa to read ancient tombstones?
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I haven't finish watching yet, but how crazy is it that kramnik refuses to play on, and to them that means there's no way to play online chess. when you're in the cult, you can't under any circumstances acknowledge other chess sites for any reason.

someone, please go to a tournament sponsored by wearing a lichess tee.

not sure how the laptops clocks being on the wrong time would cause a game clock to be wrong. maybe slewing could cause that? idk.

My understanding of lichess (which is terrible and wrong) are the clocks get updated when it receives a move. so what the browser shows as your time remaining can be wrong, but it will correct itself after every move made.