
three fold repetition question


I have had 3 games that ended in "3 fold repetition", where I did not do the repetition, but my competitor did. In all cases I was in the lead. I thought both players had to do the same 3 moves to get 3 fold repetition. I lost a lot of points because of this.

Please help me understand the rule. Thanks, Chris
Three-fold-repetition requires the same position, not necessarily the same moves, to occur three times, not necessarily consecutively, as well as including castling rights and en passant rights to be different positions.
none of this answers why i got 3 fold repetition and a tie.
Whey you say you didn't do the draw, your opponent did, I wonder if you're thinking it has to come on your move. It's actually forced by whichever side moves into it the repeated position last. WBWBWB - draw, BWBWBW - draw.
@InkyDarkBird said in #2:
> Three-fold-repetition ... as well as including castling rights and en passant rights to be different positions.

Lol, and I thought I knew the chess rules.
@jams11 said in #1:
> Please help me understand the rule.

Finally someone realizing that they probably don't understand the rules--not that Lichess is buggy (as they usually claim). I respect that.

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