
The Lichess is buggy

@sapeg 11/10 feedback we will get right to it removing the word buggy but only for the chromium users
that is what you wanted? /s

(say whats the problem)
@for_cryingout_loud It must be seen. The theme jumped to the dark one and the whole layout left. The top menu is fully open in all tabs. In general, some trash. I ran it in epiphany, everything is fine there.
<Comment deleted by user>
@sapeg said in #3:
> [...] the whole layout left. The top menu is fully open in all tabs.

this sounds to me like you might have accidentally enabled blind mode. on the very top, even above the top menu, does it say something like "accessibility: disable blind mode"?
I very frequently have a bug where it's impossible to move any of my pieces. Also occasionally many of the pieces disappear completely from the board, I can overcome this by going to History in Chrome and clicking there to restore the board but it wastes time.
I use Chrome.
@carta58 pieces not being able to move is normal because of bad or no connection and restoring prop refreshs the page and the connection. I suspect that pieces going missing might be the same issue

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