
A game I am very proud of

Unfortunately, at move 27, my opponent left or disconnected, but it was a beautiful game nonetheless in my opinion, me a 1470 with only two inaccuracies. Everyone please feel welcome to give me advice.
Good job.

You played reasonably well considering your rating.
Your opponent simply blundered a pawn, and could not get anything meaningful for it.

However the game was nothing beautiful as it was simply one side blundering, and the other playing reasonable moves, and gaining an advantage in a short time.

Beautiful games require both sides to play well, and your opponent didn't let that happen.
Hello, Asym;

I have to recognize that I do not like the Scandinavian defence, but in this case I can see you transposed it to something like the French Defence schemes.

Very accurate game, after all.
Fine game, certainly for your level.

One thing I did not like, is that you exchanged your dark-squared bishop. With all of your central pawns on light squares, this is your strong bishop, because it can move and attack things without being hindered by your pawns. You should really have kept it. On the other hand your light squared bishop which does not have much space you happily want to exchange in such structures (if possible).

Everything else, particularly the opening of lines on the queenside was well done.
Thank you all for your advice. I am constantly striving to get better.

@lurarose Thank you for your complement. I understand my rating is not very high, maybe the game wasn't beautiful, but it being a fast-paced Blitz game and me being the rating that I am, I was nevertheless proud of it.

@GM Zahier Thank you, from a GM, this is very high praise. I know I am not a great player but I am young yet and will continue working to get better. I am not one for memorizing theory, I only made the moves that seemed best in my mind, you make it sound as if I knew what I was doing and for that I thank you.

@lilleskut You are clearly a very good player and a much better player than myself. I am glad to take your advice to heart and I will do my best to utilize it when I play.
@seanysean Yes, looking at the game now, I can see that trading the dark square Bishop was not the optimal move. The intention at the time was to damage White's Pawn structure slightly while doing an equal valued trade, but since the King was already castled maybe that was unavailing.

Since this game I am happy to say that I have already improved as is evident by my rating progression.
you have definitely p´layed above your rating! very purposeful play at all points.
i can't say that anything was particularly bad but i'd like to comment at a few points:

- move 12 my reflex is to take on d4, because you immediately estabilish a very strong center and your pieces get to very good squares, as in the computer line. it very much changes the character of the position, though
- move 13 it would be more consistent with the queenside pawn storm plan (which is what you have signaled with c4) to just play b5 instead. your bishop is a perfectly good piece and the threat of b4 is very annoying, definitely don't like the Bb4-xc3 maneuver
- move 27 my reflex is just Ra2, and probably follow up with Ba4, trying to exchange the bad bishop. i feel that your idea with Ra7 was to follow up with Rb7, which is ok, but it doesn't seem to actually achieve much if white can just keep a rook on the b-file.

good game, keep it up!
@LM Lightsss Thank you, your instruction has been very helpful and any commendation by someone of your skill means more than you can imagine. Analyzing your suggestions, I am in complete agreement. Trading my dark square Bishop was certainly not my proudest move in chess.
Very nice game Asym. I think the thing you should take away from this game is analyzing your piece activity.

Move 12 - ...c4?! is a the key move of the entire game, but I agree with LM Lightsss that ...cxd4 unleashes a new dynamic and I personally like this more, as does Stockfish. If you're in an extended time control, long-term plans can support thematic play, and it's something all players can and strive to improve on. Don't be afraid to play what you believe in, but always make sure if the position is acceptable for it.

12. ...cxd4 13. Qxd4 e5 [Computer's Top Pick] and now ideas like a queenside pawn storm may become obsolete against play using black's great center. Improving your light squared bishop (f1-a6 diagonal looks good here), c-file domination, even creating enemy weaknesses for a better knight placement become bright new ideas.

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