
Should the United States truly 'Lead' the World by bring back "Crucifixion?"

Many American politicians, college professors, business and political analysts, and social critics still call the United States a "Christian" country. 83% of Americans identify themselves as some form of Christian, 14% identify themselves as no religion, which leaves 4% constituting Muslim, Jewish, Satanist, Unity Church....etc. Now, with so many crazy shootings around the country, so many rapes and murders, so many burglaries, does it not raise any questions in anyone's mind (other than my own noble and altruistic brain) that we might as a society benefit from a real world consequence to be dished out to that abhorrent faction of our otherwise fairly well-behaved nation that simply refuses to act in a dignified manner!?? I'm talking, OF COURSE, about a little cultural tradition from my own Aristocratic Roman roots made popular and cute by modern Christians known as "Crucifixion!!"

I'll just take one example of social disharmony and hopefully I can clearly and most distinctly depict how a little infusion of old school Italian hospitality can truly make America "Great Again!" The example I'd like to use to illustrate my argument involves our tirelessly daily "toiling" Spanish speaking neighbor to the South. I speak, of course, in reference to the ever increasingly poverty stricken though once mighty and respectable country of Mexico. Now, though hard to believe, it is illegal to own guns in Mexico if you are just a common citizen. Hence, the drug dealers have all the guns and the common man is left to fend for himself....with sticks....and calls to the police that never get answered.....maybe they do get answered....but of course by a drug lord who teaches the honorable Mexican citizen a very personal and grotesque lesson about how honor and civility in Mexico have been replaced by human trafficking and murder. Now, Britain also has anti-gun policies and they live in relative luxury to Mexico, but we also must keep in mind that the average cop in Mexico makes about $12,000 per year if he's lucky, and of course keep in mind that Mexican politicians seem to either be too bullied or simply too arrogant to reflect on the crucifix all too often latched around their necks depicting the self-sacrificing nature of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ that apparently Mexican politicians are too self-preserving to act in like manner towards. Hence, if I ever had any real political power I'd replace the crucifix around their treacherous and cowardly necks with the swift justice of a noose!!....but that's a different political debate all together.

Just imagine this: You're a drug dealer and/or a human trafficker....all pigs smell the same to me. Now, as you approach the United States you encounter a beautiful newly constructed highly luxurious 33 mile road leading northward and adorned on both sides of the road are miles and miles of crosses. On those crosses are nailed the most recent offenders of a new anti-drug dealing and human trafficking campaign that ACTUALLY would make a difference in Mexico's up until now entirely fruitless effort to champion the working class Mexican! It's very trial, no manipulation, no bullying lawyers and police....and it's a most poetic consequence for gang members who wear crosses around their necks only to deal drugs, rape women, and racketeer small businesses who can barely afford to pay taxes that go to the traitorous pockets of a Mexican politician who cares ONLY about preserving his own family's ability to live in relative safety EVEN THOUGH that meager safety is at the cost of thousands of hard working Mexican families living in abject poverty and terror. Sometimes the simplest solutions ARE TRULY the best and "CORRECT" solutions. I, of course, understand that there are those who are so liberal minded that they would rather see their own daughters sold into slavery than see a human trafficker nailed to a cross. The fact is, these criminals in Mexico and El Salvador, etc are not human beings like those of us who are acclimated to the "civilised" world. No, they are animals! You cannot reason with an animal as the animal is motivated by either reward or fear. We must treat the criminal as the criminal needs to be treated....CRUCIFY THEM!!! I advocate that all lichess users contact your local politicians and ask them to "BRING BACK THE CROSS"!!! It's time for a's time to get some nine inch nails and make a difference....Christian Style!!
Actually "Christians" comprise only 69 percent of Americans...
This has to be a joke dude, wtf dude, it isn't like 100% of US is christian, literally US now is made up of people fro. Other countries, and religions. You can't force everyone to convert. Worst idea I have heard in a while
I'm not advocating that we force anyone to be converted to any religion. I simply mentioned Christianity because "crucifixion" happened to be the form of execution that was given to Jesus Christ. I'm trying to bring back "crucifixion" as a form of public execution. I'm not trying to force people to be converted to any specific faith.

When the drug dealers and human traffickers cease to exist, then will be only a joke!
@Water_Flame and @thekid456
While I completely disagree with @GianMarcoDorio idea, I DO think it would be a good idea to find a way to punish the WORST ones with the WORST punishment. Post #1 is insane, I know. But, we should punish some of the worst ones, to discourage the less bad ones. A few people suffer to make society better. Your thoughts?
I completely disagree with what #1 said... Like how is this supposed to solve problems? And besides, Christianity isn't going to solve the problem. In fact, this problem has nothing to do with religion... it has to do with great difference of wealth between the rich and the poor and public policies and laws and corruption. Don't bring religion into an ongoing problem that will take nationwide co-operation... maybe even global cooperation, to fix.
There is nothing "insane" about Post #1. I think if you were to tour the Dem Republic of the Congo, El Salvador, or Mexico would witness things such as "African Necklaces" and mass graves of civilians....perhaps that would educate you to the real "insanity" that plagues this world. The Romans, though greatly flawed in many ways, understood how to maintain order. They had it right to begin with!
I'm not advocating any actual Christian policies here. I was simply making reference to the cross as a good form of public execution. I chose the cross because the bulk of Americans happen to be Christian and hence are familiar with the cross as a means of grace and salvation. I'm offering here a different perspective and more traditional use of the cross to equate "salvation and grace" as a cleansing process for our society!

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