
Typical mistakes Nr 2 - Not picking up forcing moves

I think this is a good blog but I didn't find the move Kh7 to be that forced at first sight.
After 1.Qc1 I would expect 1. ... h5.
The engine shows it gives White a +3 advantage. It's just not as obvious to me as Kh7 Qb1+
@Geelse_zot said in #12:
> I think this is a good blog but I didn't find the move Kh7 to be that forced at first sight.
> After 1.Qc1 I would expect 1. ... h5.
> The engine shows it gives White a +3 advantage. It's just not as obvious to me as Kh7 Qb1+

Kh7 is not forced, but it is a very logical human response, probably the first idea of most people. When you see that Kh7 loses, it convinces you that 1. Qc1 is a very sound candidate move, so it is worth calculating it further and check Black's other responses.