
Are some people beyond reporting on lichess ?

I tried to make a complaint about a certain person one LM.
I went to his page, and unlike on most peoples, there was no facility to report him ?

So he is beyond reproach then ?
I think I know what you are talking about..........sadly
This can't really be. If it's really a bug, then go to and just type their name. That way you can report closed accounts too btw, to achieve a rating refund if they cheated and closed themselves immediately
I just checked the three LM accounts I know and I see the report button.
So that's not it.
Lol, I just looked again on his page ,now one has just appeared :)
Interesting that lol :)
Thank you for the replies, I will go ahead now :)
@Tbootpoo said in #6:
> Lol, I just looked again on his page ,now one has just appeared :)
> Interesting that lol :)
> Thank you for the replies, I will go ahead now :)

I had a look at it just now.
The player you reported had nothing to do with what happened. You got timed out by a moderator for a violation of our If you want to appeal that, please use
By the way, deleting all messages prior the timeout is how the feature works, so that's intended behavior.

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