
Why is so crap?

@michuk said in #20:
> never letting it go, if letting go means pretend it never happened. but it is fun to see how people tell other people to let things go.
> You won't let go if someone takes something that belongs to you and says it theirs , you would fight for it no?

It is not yours!!! Your implementation back then was yours. And you keep spamming the forums with your grief! (which is partly entertaining though, I give you that)
Both have pros and cons. Chess com has much better learning content with embedded videos and interactive learning modules. Their puzzle system is pretty nice, and the community is more active/engaged.
The Lichess UI is streets ahead of chess com, and with the new puzzle improvements--has a great puzzles section, in addition to the studies feature, which is also fantastic.
<Comment deleted by user>
I do agree with you, Lichess is way better.
Still I prefer for only 1 reason, the pool of players.

I reached 2000 on Lichess with 10wins / 3 draws / 1 defeat, while on I'm stuck on 1600-1700

sorry in advance if my english sucks
i personally don't agree with much of anything that the OP has stated, i have played on both sites for over 2 years now and i really don't get much of the hate. some people on say lichess just doesn't look right or is simply too "light" while some here like you say its cause of lag. i have looked at over many old videos and i agree that the servers can appear sluggish way back but now they are super fast with their new play server and i find it fun for fast time controls. i personally am not really biased between the 2 as it mostly depends on my mood, sometimes i slightly prefer sometimes lichess but i love both as i don't really think there is a winner and is really good
@MisterGill said in #1:
> Which begs the question. Why do people pay for things on, that are here for free? (I was a paid member for clarity)
> I am just not getting it.

I'm not getting it either. And with 'it', I mean your question. Why are you asking "Why are people doing X (for clarity, I did X)"?

If you just answer the question "Why did you pay for", you may have the answer why people pay for
I use both sites (but more time in Lichess), but I like the simplicity of the Lichess interface. Like some one already pointed out, the time takes to climb the rating ladder in is more. Just dont whine about the negatives of, but use it efficiently to improve your play. If you dont want to pay for premium, just dont do it. I had premium membership with in the past, but not any more . It may be worth for some folks, but not for me considering the time I have for chess study (and I was not using Lichess at that time when I had premium and was not aware of this wonderful site).
@MisterGill said in #1:
> I am trying to work it out, this place seems to run head and shoulders better on every level than, yet must have minimal resources when compared with the other site. Which begs the question. Why do people pay for things on, that are here for free? (I was a paid member for clarity)
> I am just not getting it. I was forever getting lag problems in live chess on, that I was a Platinum member of.
> Here, I have never had a problem (I will be a patron very soon).
> How can compete with Lichess?, is it that whey were first?.
I think it is their fame, which helps them out. And tbh, the app of is better than the one in lichess, since many features are missing there.
@aescht said in #21:
> It is not yours!!! Your implementation back then was yours. And you keep spamming the forums with your grief! (which is partly entertaining though, I give you that)

The first implementation ever made in human history was mine. That's my comment. Thank you for being so much fun to exchange views with. You were great.
@Shadow1414 said in #5:
> 9 times out of 10, 'free' stuff has a hidden price, so people assume Lichess is too good to be true (Or it's that CC's literally named ',' so it's the first search result for 'Chess').

I caught myself with that idea when starting out here: where’s the catch?

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