
What is the best chess opening to win?

The best for you ? For Carlsen ... for whom ?

Really, this is not a trivial question.
Since white has an advantage at the opening because it goes first, it comes down to the player and how he uses
said opening. The opening doesn’t make the player,
the player makes the opening.

If I give you a Lamborghini and you’re a terrible driver,
And you go up against an expert driver in a ford, you’re going to lose.
@blaze2220 said in #1:
>but maybe someone has a good idea of how to avoid a drawish position in the Petroff?

you are quite bit stronger than me so I want go into details. But your draw rate is around 5%. Bigger than mine but still far from say Magnus Carlsen's aboiut 30% so I would say nothing is drawish for you or me on lichess players anyway
A quick check in game analysis often shows I’ve played an opening with a variation I’ve never heard of.

I suspect that many players will find themselves in the same position, forgive the pun.

I do know that I’m a world expert at one variation. The Rat Shit variation. It doesn’t matter how I start it always ends up the same. ... they all turn to Rat Shit!
I would recommend the English Opening for white with the 4.g3 variation as you can get counter-play on the c-file and generally many people don't play the opening correctly from my experience.
King's Gambit - it is possible for Black to blunt the attacking edge, but if White is willing to move to a broader game than merely a king-hunt, interesting times are usually ahead. I know that people associate it with good old 19th century bunfights, but modern grandmasters, such as Spassky (against Fischer, no less), have used it to good effect.
If you opponent plays d4, try Budapest gambit. I had some success with this opening in 2+1 games

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