
I have an issue


There is a person who is accusing me of using KB (Keyboard). As you all know, (I think) KB + extensions are banned on Lichess. Although they know this, they are saying that there are cheats to get around this ban. I believe this is not true. Please do tell me if I am wrong.

Thank you in advance :)
@HyperBullets11 said in #1:
> Hi,


> There is a person who is accusing me of using KB (Keyboard).

At least he doesn't accuse you of being a keyboard warrior.

> As you all know, (I think) KB + extensions are banned on Lichess.

I don't know.

> Thank you in advance :)

You are welcome! :D
@HyperBullets11 KB is banned. But some people can't comprehend how you (and others) can play so fast so they resort to accusations. I have been accused of using KB many times. But the truth is I hate KB, using it and playing against it.

Apparently, there are still a handful of players getting around the ban. I have no idea how they do it. I have noticed a massive drop in KB using, virtually none. But I am mainly a Bullet player so maybe the Ultra players know more.
There is at least one person boasting they could use a new kb extension but @HyperBullets11 if none of this applies to you then just go ahead and report the accusers for public shaming

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