
Search "user:Acapo"

8 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - Board color#4

Much thanks Tors and Skittle-head for the valuable info I watch a lot only because I have been away from the game and need to refresh and after a while staring at the tan colored board all day my eyes…

General Chess Discussion - Board color#1

Is there an option to choose the color of the board?

General Chess Discussion - Online tournaments#1

I am new to this site and I wish to know how I enter the tournaments here on and am I notified after I log in and is there a link to click on to take me to my game thanks! Acapo

General Chess Discussion - Puzzle #61370#5

Thanks, I appreciate the help I did find it and I was wrong but I learned something so it was worth it

General Chess Discussion - Puzzle #61370#3

Is there a way to look up this game by the number? thanks for the comment

General Chess Discussion - Puzzle #61370#1

My choice was h4 and it said I was wrong it gives fxg6 as the correct move but this allows Qh4+ and whites king can only move to d2 as Kf1 allows Qf2# this is a continuation I played ...0 ... Qh4+ 11 …

General Chess Discussion - chess clocks#1

I am searching for an inexpensive chess clock that has a 10 min game with 3 second increments any help would be appreciated

Lichess Feedback - Resigning question#1

My 1st game was a disaster I tried to capture a bishop on the same diagonal with my queen in a good position for me and my hand slipped on the mouse and the queen was set on d3 instead of a capture on…
