
Search "user:DirkPretorius"

141 forum posts
Off-Topic Discussion - Unfair Forum Closure#31

@chummer facts are facts... anyone notice how I tried to finish off the conversation but then OTHER people make derogatory comments... just saying... But no hard people try silince the Trut…

Off-Topic Discussion - Unfair Forum Closure#29

@ true lol

Off-Topic Discussion - Unfair Forum Closure#28

@true but I do not know when the religion-police are gonna strike... so I am trying not to push it.

Off-Topic Discussion - Unfair Forum Closure#26

@HorseyIsBest I can't reply to you because lichess will censor it. @chummer I can also reply to you easily but won't for the same reason.

Off-Topic Discussion - Unfair Forum Closure#21

It is still is not right to silence our freedom of speech and religiously discriminate against us. My previous arguments stand. @LittleJennyWren my forum that was suppossed to be for Christian encoura…

Off-Topic Discussion - Unfair Forum Closure#17

I think that is a good idea at Dukedog,I will consider it, however that still does not change the facts that lichess is clearly using its power to be religiously discriminatory as per my previous argu…

Off-Topic Discussion - Unfair Forum Closure#12

@TCF_Namelecc Things don't add up, firstly Thibault the creator of lichess left a harsh atheistic message on my blog that I courteously requested be for Christian encouragement... second I have seen f…

Off-Topic Discussion - Unfair Forum Closure#8

Why are athesists not silinced is hypocrisy and double-standards and religious discrimination. Everyone who has their eyes open and are unbiased can see that...

Off-Topic Discussion - Unfair Forum Closure#6

Why are the majority of other forums that have arguments in them not closed down... I have seen horrible vulgar dbehaviour in other foruma that were allowed to stay open. Why the double-standards.... …

Off-Topic Discussion - Unfair Forum Closure#4

I have every right to discuss religion... that is called freedom of religion, freedom of expression, and freedom of speech. And my intention was not to make arguments others came and started insulting…
