
Search "user:esmiro"

367 forum posts
Game analysis - Lost to worstfish#2

Interestingly enough, since you played a lot of moves in which you were consistently winning, the acl is not even too bad. I challenge you to maximize the acl vs worstfish.

Game analysis - Rate the endgame technique#2

I feel like perhaps you might be slightly over-selling this. Just a tiny bit.

Game analysis - undeveloping in the French Defense#3

Oh. I guess Black wants to put the bishop anywhere other than d2, so you need to prevent a knight pin.

Game analysis - Losing the game with zero mistake and zero blunders#7

@Clearchesser How is this clickbait? I literally just wrote what happened. My downfall was so slow that the computer analysis of lichess only signals Qd7 and Be7 as inaccuracies and nothing else.

Game analysis - Losing the game with zero mistake and zero blunders#1

I think it never happened to me before. I feel like I pretty much just kept making consistently suboptimal moves. When I realized my bishop was eventually going to be trapped it was too late. https://…

Game analysis - How is sacrificing queen winning on move 20?#3

You end up with two rooks for the queen and Knight+bishop for a rook. Piece wise, it's a clear advantage. Position wise, white does not have enough attackers.

Game analysis - Pretty exchange sac in complex sharp open position#1

Pretty wild game, and I'm very proud of it. 17 ...... Rxc5 ! With the idea that if bishop takes to unpin the pawn, the rook can recapture and black is winning. On the other hand, if pawn takes the roo…

Game analysis - I resigned before move 20. I was doing just fine :(#7

@AsDaGo Yeah, that's a good one heheh

Game analysis - why I lost 3-4 games, before playing Perfect?#2

It's hard to answer since you are only posting the game you won, and not the ones you lost beforehand, which are the ones you are asking about. Generally speaking, I'm afraid the reason might be more …

Game analysis - I resigned before move 20. I was doing just fine :(#3

Yeah, I don't really know but it just felt very hopeless. After f3,the g4 square would also fall, and their bishop was a monster. My knight on b1 was pathetic, they had a better pawn structure and in …
