
킹스 갬빗 수락(킹스 나이트 갬빗),킹스 갬빗 거절

1 • dlwlehd •
  1. 킹스 갬빗의 기본 포메이션
  2. KGA 클래시컬 바리에이션 (4. h4)
  3. 1. KGA 클래시컬 바리에이션 과 키세리츠키 갬빗 Kolisch defence(5... d6)
  4. 1. KGA 클래시컬 바리에이션 과 키세리츠키 갬빗 Long whip (5. ...h5?!)
  1. dlwlehd

King's Gambit

43 • NapalmA •
  1. King's Gambit (!)
  2. KGA - Lolli Gambit (??)
  3. KGA - Allgaier Gambit (??)
  4. KGA - Polerio Gambit (!)
  1. NapalmA

NiveynFernando's Study

2 • NiveynFernando •
  1. Instructions
  2. Draw
  3. e4 Kings pawn
  4. Four knights game
  1. NiveynFernando

ArnimH's Study

1 • ArnimH •
  1. Chapter 1
  1. wizrachit
  2. ArnimH

Kings gambit is a great opening

  1. Introduction
  2. Game:
  3. Kings gambit vs Ruy lopez
  4. Kings gambit vs Four knights
  2. Sandipayan_13

TauyekelB's Study

1 • TauyekelB •
  1. Chapter 1
  2. Chapter 2
  3. Chapter 3
  4. Chapter 4
  1. TauyekelB

King's Gambit Accepted

1 • MetalOxideSilicon •
  1. introduce
  2. King's Gambit Accepted
  3. King's Gambit Accepted: King's Knight's Gambit
  4. King's Gambit Accepted: Kieseritzky Gambit
  1. MetalOxideSilicon

King's Gambit

2262 • MaxxTeleportguy •
  1. Introduction
  2. Part 1: King's Gambit Main Ideas
  3. King's Gambit Accepted: Knight's Gambit 1
  4. King's Gambit Accepted: Knight's Gambit 2
  1. MaxxTeleportguy

1.e4 e5 Repertoire for Black 2.0

426 • Peng_Dehuai1898-1974 •
  1. Introduction
  2. Ruy Lopez - Exchange with 5.O-O
  3. Ruy Lopez - Exchange 5th move sidelines
  4. Ruy Lopez - 5.d3
  1. Peng_Dehuai1898-1974

1.e4 e5 Repertoire for Black

802 • Peng_Dehuai1898-1974 •
  1. Introduction
  2. Ruy Lopez - Exchange with 5.O-O
  3. Ruy Lopez - Exchange 5th move sidelines
  4. Ruy Lopez - 5.d3
  1. Peng_Dehuai1898-1974

King's Gambit | Full Repertoire

657 • Bosburp •
  1. Introduction
  2. Section 1: King's Gambit Accepted
  3. KGA: Fischer Defense 3...d6
  4. KGA: MacLeod Defense 3...Nc6?!
  1. Bosburp

Shivanshchawla's Study

1 • Shivanshchawla •
  1. Chapter 1
  1. Shivanshchawla

Tanmay_Cnova's Study

1 • Tanmay_Cnova •
  1. Chapter 1
  2. Chapter 2
  3. Chapter 3
  1. Tanmay_Cnova

King's Gambit (in depth)

19 • Scuola_Scacchi •
  1. Introduction (Main Ideas and common mistakes)
  2. King's Gambit Accepted: Kieseretzky Gambit
  3. Paul Morphy - Adolf Anderssen
  4. Boris Spassky - Robert James Fischer
  1. Scuola_Scacchi

King gambit simon

1 • Jacups •
  1. Kings Gambit G5- kc3-g6
  2. Kings Gambit G5- kc3 - d6-h4
  3. Kings Gambit G5- kc3 - Dg7
  4. Kings Gambit Dc4
  1. Jacups

The king's gambit

9 • Ridu_106 •
  1. The first couple moves
  3. If the pawn moves
  4. If the pawn moves
  1. Ridu_106