
Enchanting Zugswang position in an old game

I believe this is the only Zugswang game I ever played ( except for some trivial King and pawn endings maybe). Both sides have a queen, two minor pieces and five pawns after move 46.

If white could just pass instead of making a move it would have been a draw. But his queen stuck in the corner cannot move without being lost. The knight is pinned to the king, the bishop is tied to the defense of a critical pawn that cannot be lost. None of white's pawns can move. And if the king moves, it blocks the bishop's defense of another critical pawn.

Very unusual situation. I think Irving Chernev would have enjoyed it.
A nice situation indeed (though I suspect it's not quite a "true zugzwang").
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It's a very nice position, really attractive indeed, but MrPushwood is right in my opinion that it doesn't quite qualify as a true zugzwang because, while you say the position would be drawn without White being compelled to move, I don't think that's correct. If Black was to move in the position at move 46 which you call zugzwang, simply ...Be7 would pick up the h pawn leaving White with awful problems trying to stop both Black's passed pawns. Alternatively Black could move the knight to safety, then manoeuvre the queen into White's kingside (giving up the a pawn) and White would be pretty defenseless. Or maybe ...Bc7, ...Ba5 and ...Nxc3 might force the a pawn through.
@Brian-E You are obviously right - I didn't see Be7. That would clearly win the game for black if white didn't have to move.

So it's not a Zugswang position after all. I am disappointed. I didn't fully analyze it. Thanks for pointing out my error.