
Engine valuation has errors

1. Nf3 0.0
1. Nf3 e6 +0.3

There is no move for black to reach 0.0 after 1. Nf3. So this valuation is wrong.
A position can only be a draw or a win. So what’s wrong?
Yes, in fact any evaluation other than 0.0 or a mate score is "wrong", in the sense that it would be different if the engine could search the whole game tree until the end of every variation. The evaluation the engine gives will always change from one depth to another, and such minor fluctuations as 0.0 to 0.3 happen all the time.
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@Meriten said in #1:
> +0.3
> 1. Nf3 0.0
> 1. Nf3 e6 +0.3
> There is no move for black to reach 0.0 after 1. Nf3. So this valuation is wrong.

White has a slight advantage for moving first.
So, Nf3
If black goes d5, the w/d/l% is 52-5-43
If black goes Nf6, is 50-6-44
If black goes c5 is 51-5-44
If black goes e6 is 54-4-42

This on the lichess DB. The draw chance of the Master DB is way higher, but all the main moves oscilate between 9% to 20% more chances of white winning after 1.Nf3. Its an uphill battle already.
The specific moves you mentioned, 1.Nf3 - e6 has a 41% chance for white, 38% chance of draw and only 21% chance for black.

Turns out playing first has advantages and they cant be canceled out with 1 move.
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@MuldrothaEDH said in #6:
> the engine has always been flawed since it gives kings gambit -0.5 :(
1 e4-e5
2.- e4 has 30% win for white, 33% draw chance and 36% win chance for black in the master database.
2. Nf3 or 2. Bc4 or Nc3 gives white around 10% more winning chances, but you, like the other guy, picked the losing move, even though you should know it violates the chess principles.
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@MuldrothaEDH said in #8:
> Can't be that losing according to my chess insights I've won 28/34 games of the Kings gambit accepted in the last 2 weeks

You play with people who cannot exploit a mate in 1 for 3 consecutive moves and still manage to lose.

Dont you ever get yourself as a measuring tool in chess.
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