
Middlegame .. How to improve ؟

In many of my games I get opening advantage. I'm not bad at endgame either. But I can't control the chaos in my middlegame.
Do you have a suggestion? An effective book or ... anything else
Winning Chess Strategy by Silman, The Art of Middlegame by Kotov, Mastering Chess Middlegames by Penchenko, and Understanding Chess Middlegames by John Nunn are few notable ones to try out.
@Akbar2thegreat said in #4:
> Winning Chess Strategy by Silman, The Art of Middlegame by Kotov, Mastering Chess Middlegames by Penchenko, and Understanding Chess Middlegames by John Nunn are few notable ones to try out.

thank you. Out of the 4 books you mentioned, I am currently reading John Nunn's book. I have already read "Think Like a Grand Master" by Kotov. And I didn't know about other books. Thank you for introducing
Mastering Chess Middlegames by Alexander Panchenko
I would say that Chess Strategy for Club Players by Herman Grooten is also a good one to consider.

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