
Puzzle with a mistake?

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You can easily check this by turning on the engine - it is one click away. This immediately shows that white is winning after Rf1.
@Boopas said in #1:
> if white doesn't take promoted queen, M1, if takes, then rook to d1 MATE. How am I wrong?

If white doesn't take Rf6 actually forces Black to take, losing the freshly promoted Queen.

Final result:
* Black exchanged Rook plus advanced pawn for Rook.
* Black King is exposed.
* White keeps a solid 7th rank pawn.
@Boopas said in #1:
> Isn't rook f1 a forced checkmate? Rook sacrifice, then promote pawn to queen d1, if white doesn't take promoted queen, M1, if takes, then rook to d1 MATE. How am I wrong?

if you can't figure out why the puzzle is telling you one move over another move, turn on the chess engine.

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